The excellent tool CheatSheet helps you with this: At the push of a button, it shows the available keyboard commands for running programs at any time. This is usually quicker than clicking through the menus with the mouse – assuming you have the appropriate keyboard shortcut ready. Additionally, it has a long-term benefit for users, helping them recognize and memorize the usual commands they use.Whether Finder, Preview or Photoshop: Pretty much every program on the Mac can be controlled using keyboard commands. From office and productivity to lifestyle, and even some games, there’s a lot of programs you can use with it. Although it doesn’t have universal coverage in terms of supported apps, it covers most of the apps an average user needs. Overall, the CheatSheet app is a convenient tool to have. There’s no way to know but to test if the apps you use have their keyboard shortcuts made accessible. Furthermore, there’s no official list of which apps are supported and which are not. This means that pressing the Command Key for more than two seconds will reveal an empty panel. On the other hand, there are apps that are not supported by the free utility. There are apps that simply don't use or support keyboard shortcuts. One important point to make with CheatSheet is that it doesn’t support all apps. In time, users will be familiar with the keyboard shortcuts, especially the ones they use more often. Not only does this eliminate the need to search for those commands individually, but the tool also serves as a periodic reminder of these shortcuts. After only waiting two seconds, holding the Command Key, they get to see all available shortcuts for a particular app.

This is an ideal companion for people looking to reduce their time in doing clerical work with their devices. Also, it has the unparalleled convenience of letting you simply press the command as shown on the screen using your mouse.

You can use almost any app and will still use the utility app with the same controls. This gives unprecedented convenience and access to users who are using different apps–from those working with the programs under Microsoft Office 2021 to those looking for convenient controls for Minecraft. You can then either key in the command or simply click the shortcut on the panel to execute them.

Regardless of the app that’s open, you only need to hold the Command Key for two seconds and it will open a separate screen showing all keyboard shortcuts available, sorted by category and purpose. Once you have it installed, it informs you how to use it. CheatSheet is a useful addition to your setup at just a small file size, only a little over 1MB.